Diane Valerien is a radical God chaser who carries a unique blend of passion for God’s people as well as compassion for the lost and broken hearted. We have never been disappointed as the Lord has used this fiery vessel to bring God’s message in season as we ministered to many leaders in Kenya, Africa and to our local assembly in Vermont.

David Rosen,
Director of Partners in Transformation
Burlington, Vermont

Diane is a powerful and faithful minister of our Lord Jesus Christ. She has a clear message of hope and transformation to the church. In the four years I have known her, I have seen a foundation of strength. She has ministered in the midst of grief. The death of her husband Paul in 2003 has not deterred her from continuing to grow and strengthen the body of Christ. She is a faithful servant, minister, and a powerhouse of prayer. The Father’s heart is the focus of her faith. She is a fresh and welcomed voice for revival. I have cherished the prayers and support she has given to our ministry.

Rev. Byron Putnam,
First United Methodist Church
Oak Grove, Louisiana

We want to take this opportunity to introduce Diane Valerien to you. Our paths have crossed several times over the years in ministry and individual settings. Her spoken and unspoken testimony always glorifies the Lord. We have sat under her ministry in conferences and church gatherings and were always impressed by the anointing that flowed forth. Pastor Diane is welcome to address our congregation any time she is in our area. We encourage any minister or pastor to welcome her with open arms.

Jack & Donna Reign,
His Heart Ministries International
Salt Springs, Florida

We have come to know Pastor Diane Valerien. She is a woman who has love for God’s people and for the moving of the Holy Spirit among us, bringing us to a place where He may use us to His glory and fulfill His Kingdom purpose. Having an acute sense of His presence, she is able to discern His hand in the course of events. I highly recommend her at any gathering, for she listens to the heart of God. She will bring a freedom to the meeting and the presence of the Lord will fill the room.

Henry C. Manson
Sabbath Assembly
West Warwick, Rhode Island

I also have known Diane for several months, but it doesn’t take long to know that she has a heart for the Lord and a deep concern for His people. Her sensitivity and discerning spirit is very evident almost immediately. I do believe that she has a message for today’s church and would be an encouragement to those who may have an opportunity to hear that message.

Vickie Manson,
Sabbath Assembly
West Warwick, Rhode Island

It has been our pleasure to know Diane Valerien for several years now. In that time we learned to trust not only her prophetic gift, but her character as well. We have been able to minister with her and observe her ministering to others. In that time we have come to know her on a personal level. She consistently reflects the love of the Father in all she says and does. We have found her to be very faithful to obey the Lord’s direction, even when she does not understand why. She is a humble and faithful servant of whom we can trust to speak wisdom into our lives, showing forth the love of God. We have no hesitation in recommending Diane to you as a minister.

Kevin & Deborah Dougherty,
Rutland Prayer and Worship Leadership Team
Rutland, Vermont